Gain Transformative
Healthcare Insights with SmartOR

Understanding operational, clinical and financial performance in the OR to better control the modern complexities of patient care.

Explore OMNIMED® SmartOR™

Autonomous Data Collection
for a 360-Degree View of the OR

Powered by AI and machine learning, the SmartOR patent-pending system of discrete pods and cloud technology generates a 360-degree view of seen and unseen things in the OR by securely capturing millions of data points per minute, including actions, objects and environmental conditions of each surgical case.

infographic showing how SmartOR works

SmartOR™ processes and presents this complex data through a simple, secure, customizable dashboard that allows admins, clinicians and risk teams to analyze, model, interpret, and drive decisions and strategies that improve top-line and bottom-line outcomes.

AI-Powered Analytics Support New Insights and Improved Outcomes

Step into the modern surgical suite with a data tool capable of delivering 360-degree analytics that support cross-functional decision-making.

More than 50 million surgical procedures are performed in the operating room, generating $1.4 trillion dollars and accounting for 70% of a hospital’s revenue.1 Yet, with labor (staff) performance, inefficiency, and waste accounting for 90% of costs, hospital operating margins average 1.6% – with 50% being negative.2

The root cause stems from the fact that six in eight OR procedures (37.5 million) have no measurable data that is critical for hospital admins, clinicians, and risk teams to understand staff performance, inefficiency, and waste and develop strategies that improve financial outcomes.3

SmartOR™ solves this dilemma by generating millions of data points never before available with AI and machine learning to model and analyze for improvement to on-time starts, turnover, cancellations, idle time, utilization, allocated time, instrument and consumable tracking and sterile detection, and enables teams to improve labor costs, increase efficiency, and reduce waste.

With operating costs ranging between $160 to $600 per minute,4 teams can use SmartOR™ to immediately improve margin, reduce risks, and improve patient outcomes. Admin, risk, and clinical professionals will benefit from:

  • Customizable report dashboards
  • Advanced modeling and analysis
  • Visual analysis of multiple data elements
  • EHR integration of case information
  • Synchronized data at moments in time
provider reviewing ai data from SmartOR

Understand Your OR Through the Power of AI

Powerful, Secure,
and Flexible Technology

SmartOR Pods™ integrate automated sensing capabilities with embedded processing and communication technologies with the SmartOR Server™ to gather, analyze, and transmit OR data in a more context-aware manner than traditional cameras or stand-alone sensors. They beyond simply collecting raw data, and instead enable multiple sensing modalities of different data forms to provide a more comprehensive understanding of the environment in real time, allowing instant alerts, review or down-stream multifactor analysis. The SmartOR Server™ only requires one continuous power connect (110V) and one network connection outside of the hospital IT infrastructure and does not co-mingle data or network connections.

SmartOR diagram with pod leading to a server leading to an AI cloud
OMNIMED SmartOR dashboard with patients in background

Our SmartOR Cloud™ integrates multiple GPUs with artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities with Azure cloud computing infrastructure and services. It enables scalability, flexibility, and accessibility of cloud computing together with onboard processing and data fusion techniques that can infer context from the collected data. This enables SmartOR™ to adapt to different OR conditions, actions, and behavior to trigger specific actions based on the detected context, and with adjustable parameters, alerts or KPIs.

SmartOR™ Intelligent Features

SmartOR™ incorporates autonomous features that enable individual synchronous start, capture, and stop technologies, allowing it to function independently or with minimal human intervention. These features are tailored to capture data from the activities, items, and conditions within the dynamic operating room (OR) environment without requiring constant supervision or manual control.

The specific autonomous functionalities within SmartOR may vary depending on the specific surgical case and its context. However, collectively, these features leverage multiple sensing modalities to comprehensively monitor and interpret the diverse actions, objects, and conditions present within the OR.

OMNIMED® SmartOR® Logo

Core Functions

Smart data icon

Staff Tracking

  • Staff Identification
  • Staff/ 3D Zonal Movement
  • (Un) Authorized Person
  • Authorized Door Entry/Exit
  • Unauthorized Door Entry/Exit
  • Speech to Text
  • Hand Positioning
  • Pose Detection
surgery instruments icon

Equipment Tracking

  • Instrument Inventory Tracking
  • Instrument Count
  • Instrument Tray Identification
  • Medical Device Tracking
  • Medical Supply Tracking
  • PPE Inventory Tracking
  • Equipment/ 3D Zonal Movement
  • Sharps Weight Tracking*
temperature monitoring icon

Environmental Tracking

  • Humidity
  • Temperature
  • Pressure
  • Air Particle Count
  • Air Flow
  • Infrared Detection
  • Heat Mapping
  • Biohazard Weight
  • Tracking*
patient contact card icon


  • Volume/ Duration by Type
  • Utilization (Prime, Non Total)
  • Turnover
  • PreOp/ PostOp by Line/ Surgeon
  • Revenue per case
  • Cost per Case

* New Releases Scheduled

Explore Our

Partnership Programs

Collaborating with premier healthcare and technology enterprises around the globe.

The OMNIMED® Partner Program fosters collaboration with device, application, technology, and healthcare advisory firms to develop tailored solutions that leverage the SmartOR™ platform, opening doors to new market opportunities and revenue streams.

Providers sitting around a table discussing